News Shorts March 2024

Short News Articles March 2024

New play area opens as part of Broad Marsh development.

The play space, which is on Collin Street, features specially designed swings, a play trail with timber stepping blocks, balancing walkways, a seesaw and green planting.

This new play space is part of a Playable Cities Initiative to create child-friendly spaces in the city centre. Which all supports the city’s journey to become a UNICEF Child Friendly City. Local school children were consulted on the design, creating the swings and seating so the space can be somewhere families can gather and spend time together. Read more

Further improvements made in Children's services.

Inspectors say that Nottingham City Council is continuing to make good progress on an action plan to improve its Children’s Services department.

Inspectors commented after the first two visits that senior leaders had taken swift action after identifying things which needed to change, that staff morale was better and there were clear improvements with the speed of response to support children in the first instance. Read more

Parents urged to check if their children are up to date with MMR vaccine.

Nottingham City Council is urging parents to check if their children are up to date with immunisations, including two doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination.

There has been a surge in measles cases recently and mumps is also on the rise. Measles is a highly-infectious disease that can lead to serious problems such as pneumonia, meningitis, and, on rare occasions, long-term disability or death. Complications from mumps include hearing loss and can very rarely cause infertility in men. Rubella can cause serious problems during pregnancy. Read more