Terms used in the site
Academy / academies - A place of study or training sometimes as part of a group e.g., schools
Active learner - Someone who takes the time to take part in learning activities and thinks about things they have learnt.
Advocate - Supporting a person or action in public.
Agency - A group of people who offer their skills and talents as services.
Agenda - A list of things to be done or talked about.
Analysis - A detailed study
Analytics - An analysis of data
Annual - Every Year
AP - Alternative Provision - Education that is not done inside schools
Assets - Something that is valuable or useful to another person
Assumption - A belief that something is true but there is no proof.
Asylum-Seeking - a person who has been forced to leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country asking to be allowed to stay there
Audit - an official examination of the quality or standard of something
Baseline - The starting point when you compare things.
BAU - Business as usual - When everything is working as it normally does. Can mean that we want to see something change to become part of business as usual.
Benchmarking - measuring how good something is against something similar. Can be with different organisations or areas or similar areas.
CAMHS - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services - CAMHS is the name for the NHS services that assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural, or mental health difficulties.
Capacity - The biggest amount of something that can be used or held/ its full up.
Capitalising - To sell something and get money for it. Also, an accounting term.
Cascade - goes down through an organisation or a place, like a waterfall
Case study - Research on a particular person or situation
CFC - Child Friendly City - A city that has children and their growth focused through it.
CFN - Child friendly Nottingham
ChalleNGe - Nottingham organisation that helps young people and children take part in creative work and activities. A local Cultural Education Partnership.
Charters - A type of agreement
Children – In English law they are young people before their 18th birthday
Child friendly surgeries - Councillor’s meetings which will welcome children and young people.
Circulate - To pass something around so it spreads to other people or places
Cohort - A group of people
Collation - Collecting information from different places
Commercially - buying and selling things with the aim of making money
Commissioning - When you ask someone to do or make something for you
Comms - Communications - The way people can pass thoughts to other people
Communities - The plural of community
Community - A group of people within an area or similar thoughts/beliefs.
Compilation - Collecting a number of things from different places together
Confetti - A Nottingham organisation that focuses on teaching digital creative subjects for young people.
Consultation - Asking a group of people and about their thoughts and ideas and discussing them together before deciding something
Contributions - Doing something to help cause or increase something
Corporate parent - the council is a lead parent for children who are in its care.
Council - The name of a body who have power to run a city or a place.
CPD - Continuing Professional Development - A person learning and taking part in different things to help improve themselves as a worker.
CRBA - Children’s rights-based approach - A way of working with children and families so they are respected as human beings. It is based on the ‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ (UNCRC), which is a worldwide agreement about how to treat children.
CRC - Convention of the Rights of the Child - An agreement by the UN that protects children’s rights
CRIA - Child Rights Impact Assessment tool - tool predicting the impact of any proposed law, policy, or budgetary allocation, which affects children and the enjoyment of their rights.
Criteria - A list of things that is used to decide on a decision and/or how good something is.
Cultural heritage - The culture that is passed down from people in a family for a long time
Cultural Rucksack - A programme that helps school children to take part in artistic and cultural activities.
Culture - The way a group of people live and act and their beliefs.
Cyclical - Something repeating many times so that it comes back around to same starting point
Democracy - The way a group works that involves each person’s thoughts and views. Can involve voting.
Democratic engagement - People from across different areas come together to include/discuss their thoughts and views.
Demographic - A description of a group of people in an area e.g., age or sex etc.
Development Phase - The part of the UNICEF Child Friendly Programme where the city makes an action plan
Digital - Something electronic or that uses technology and/or numbers.
Directory - A list of information
Discovery Phase - First part of the UNICEF Child Friendly Programme
Discrimination - Treating someone/a group differently from everyone else.
Distribution - Sharing something out to number of people
Diverse - Lots of differences in one area.
Diversity - A range of people with lots of differences from each other.
Dynamic - Always changing and making progress
Early years - Children aged roughly between 0 – 5 years old
Economic - connected with money
Economy - the impact of money in an area
Editorial - A written piece of text which
Elected - to choose someone to do something
Electoral - Relating to elections
Empower - Giving someone power and/or making someone stronger and more confident.
Equality - To treat everyone fairly
Equity - Treating everyone fairly while considering extra support an individual may need. E, g, a wheelchair etc.
Evaluation - Making a judgement of something after thinking about it carefully.
Excluded - To be left out
Exec Board - Executive Board - Group of people who look after and control plans and decisions in the City Council
Exhibited - To Show something Publicly
Feasibility - How likely something can be done
Fishergate Point - A community space where people can get involved in activities and be creative
Fixed term - When something only happens for a fixed length of time.
Format - The way something is shown
Formulate - To carefully choose words to explain your thoughts.
Forum - A website / webpage where people can comment their thoughts about something.
Framework - Structure
Frontline - The place where services or jobs are done.
Funding - Money given from one person/organisation to another for a purpose.
Generation - The years/time a group of people are born or live
Grant scheme - A way for groups of people and organisations to help others by giving them something (e.g., money) without wanting anything back.
HAF Programme - Holiday Activity Fund Programme - Group of healthy activities and food during School holidays to children and young people
HEA - Health Equity Audit - A way to examine health and health services, to identify and address any inequalities in them
Health scrutiny committee - A group of people who look at health services (e.g., the doctors) and how they can be better.
Holistic - Thinking about everything all together
Impact assessment - A way to analyse and measure how effective and useful something is while also considering other things e.g., how realistic It is.
Implementation - To make something happen
Inclusive - To include everyone fairly
Indicates - Shows
Infrastructure - The buildings and physical things that keep a city/town running. E.g., buildings, transport, water pipes etc.
Innovative - An imaginative or new way to do something.
Insight - Understanding someone or something on a deep level.
Integral - Very important that something cannot be done without it.
Intelligence - Information which is useful.
Interactive - When one person’s action can be responded by another person’s action
Inter-agency - Involving two or more organisations/groups of people working together
Intergenerational - People of different age groups
Interpersonal - The connection between people
Interventions - Action to help something or make it better.
IWS service - Integrated welfare service.
Journals - Newspapers and magazines
Learning pathways - A route chosen by a person using the use of numerous internet and technology activities.
Left Lion - A local Nottingham newspaper focuses on creative activities
LGA - Local Government Association, an England and Wales organisation which brings councils together
Local Authority - A council- the group of people that are in charge of a city/area and help things to run smoothly
Long term - Things that will cause an effect later rather than sooner. For example, in 5 years’ time
Mainstream - Thoughts and ideas believed to by most of the people that it is normal.
Manifesto - Written words of a group’s beliefs and goals, political parties use them for elections.
Marginalised - When somebody is made to feel they are not important or put in a place where they have no power.
Media - The way to communicate with large numbers of people
Media providers - People that help promote and communicate things from one person to other people.
Mental Health - How someone’s brain is working and if it is doing well
Methodology - The ways used to do a particular activity
MH:2k - MH:2k is a model for talking with children and young people about mental health issues
Mobilising - To Move things
MoV - Means of Verification - Way to check something has been completed (aka evidence)
MPs - Member of Parliament - People who are elected to go to parliament as a representative of an area.
Multi-agency - Multiple organisations working together
Multigenerational - Across several generations
Mutually - When at least 2 people agree with the other person.
NAE - New Arts Exchange an art gallery in Hyson Green in Nottingham
NATS - Neighbourhood Action Teams - a group of people looking after a Nottingham area.
NCC - Nottingham City Council - An organisation who run services in Nottingham. It is run by councillors.
Neighbourhood - The area of a city/town and/or the people who live there.
NEST - Nottingham Education Sanctuary Team - A group that give learning help for asylum seeker and refugee young people, aged 15-19 years
NHSE - National Health Service England - Large groups of people who work across England for the health of people living there.
No strings attached funding - Funding that is given with no extra things that must be done to get the money.
Nominate - To suggest someone for something.
Nonsuch - A theatre where plays, shows, and talks
NottAlone - A mental health charity based in Nottingham for children.
Nottingham Ward - An area of the city which has councillors representing the people in it.
Notts TV. - A local TV station to Nottingham
ON - One Nottingham - A group of people representing different organisations of Nottingham who work together to make the city better.
Outcome - What comes out of a process.
Participant - A person who takes part in an activity or event
Participation - Taking part in an activity or an event
Partner agencies - An agency involved in this activity.
PCC - An elected person called the police and crime commissioner
Perception survey - A investigation on how people view someone or something.
Performance reporting - Collecting information from a project or group of activities which test how well they are doing.
Periodically - When something happens fairly often and regularly.
Perspectives - The way a person thinks or sees something.
PhD programme - A list of activities aiming towards a qualification at a high university learning level called a Doctorate. When a person gets the qualification, they can use the prefix Dr in front of their given names.
Pilot - To test a new product, idea, etc. before it is launched more widely.
Pop-up shops - Temporary shops which are in buildings which are already there. They don’t usually last very long.
Portfolio Holder - A person in the council who has responsibility for an area of work such as Children’s Services.
Preventative - To try and stop something from happening
Priority - a thing which is important but can be in a list of important things
Protected group(s) - People who are granted special protection or attention by equality law.
Public agencies - An agency which runs services and usually receives some of its money from the government, for example the police.
Public Transport - Ways to get around that everyone can use e.g., Buses, trains etc
Published - When information is released to the public
Purple Flag - An award which is given to a safe and clean city centre.
Quality assurance - Way to make sure that something is happening is good
Quarterly - Every 3 months
Recognition - Remembering someone or something for something that they did or that happened.
Recognition Phase - The last part of the UNICEF Child Friendly Programme where the city will be called child friendly by UNICEF.
Referral - When you suggested someone to another thing/person
Refugee - Someone who has to leave their home / country possibly because it is not safe for them
Replicate - an exact copy
Repository - A place where something is stored
Representation - A person or number of people who will speak or act for someone else.
Resource - A sum of materials or people that someone has available to use.
Rights - Things that people have the power to have or do
Risk assessment - Way of finding risks which can cause harm and how to deal with them or stop them from happening.
Roll out - To start doing something making it available to more people
Routes - How to get from one place to another
RR - Right’s Respecting - A UNICEF recognition
RRS - Rights respecting schools - A school which has activities which are child friendly.
RRSA - Right’s Respecting School’s Award - UNICEF give this to shood who are child friendly.
RSS Bronze / Silver / Gold badge status - The different levels a school can be.
Safe stops - Places where people who feel unsafe can go to.
Safeguarding - Protecting or keeping something safe from harm, particularly children.
Scope - To think about something in a set activity or place.
Scrutiny - An independent look or study of something.
SEND - Special Educational needs and disabilities - Used to describe someone who struggles with learning due to disabilities or other needs compared to others of the same age.
Service Provider - An origination who provides work for people, like the council library.
Service Provision - The work itself such as a help activity or a library.
Short term - Things that will cause an effect soon.
Social Media Channels - Different places and types of way social media can be shared e.g., blogs, wikis etc.
Social prescribing - Stuff a person working in a health job tells someone to do improve their health, sometimes with a group of other people.
Software - The programmes / apps a computer uses.
Source - A place, person, or thing that you get something from
Specialist - Someone who is an expert in a particular thing
SST - Single Session Thinking - A way to help people acting as if each time they meet will be the last.
Stakeholder - Someone involved in and affected by a project or organisation
Statistical - When you collect and analyse information that is number based.
Status - The level of importance someone has
Statutory - Must be done by law
Strategic partnership board - Group of people who solve problems and think of new ways to grow a business or organisations at a high or general way
Subsequent - What follows after
Survey / consultation Fatigue - Tiredness from repeatedly being part of surveys/consultations
Sustrans - A charity that encourages the use of sustainable transport, particularly cycling.
Tender - A way of making a contract for people to do specific task.
Tier(s) - row(s) of something that is placed one above the other.
TNA - Training needs analysis - A way of looking at what training is needed.
Toolkit - A set of things that can be used to achieve something.
Transparent - to be able to see how something works and understand how a decision was made. See-through or easy to understand
Trusted adult - An adult which a young person sees as safe and listens to them with focus on supporting them.
UN - United Nations - A group of different countries that work to keep peace and security throughout the world.
UNICEF UK - The UK part of the global charity UNICEF.
Utilising - To use something.
Vaping cessation - A way to help people to quit smoking
Visibility - How well you can see something.
Voluntary - Done by choice, not forced.
Whole school approach - Idea that everyone in the school, teachers, and children work together to help people or let the know something is not good.
Youth parliament - A group of young people / children who represent thoughts and opinions of other young people/children
YP - Young People - People aged under 25 years but usually from secondary school age up.
Children - People aged under 18 years old