Useful resources and information

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About Unicef Child Friendly Cities

CFC Shorts Flyer July Dec 2024 (1)

CFC Shorts July - December 2024

CFC Shorts is a series of monthly webinars for the CFC Network - cities and communities working
towards, or having already achieved, recognition as a UNICEF Child Friendly City or Community.

CFN Colouring In Logo (1)

CFN Colouring In Sheet

CFN Plan On A Page (POP) (1)

CFN Plan on a Page (POP)

7 Principles

Child Friendly Nottingham FAQ’s

Cover 3347 Ssbc Child Friendly Nottingham

Child Friendly Nottingham Action Plan - Easy Read

Nottingham City Council, UNICEF UK and lots of local partner organisations are working together to make Nottingham a child friendly place

Briefing Template

Nottingham CFC Briefing Template

Impact Template

Nottingham CFC Impact Study Template

Showing 1 to 8 of 19 entries